Identification de la formation
Code de formation: 
Domaine - Formacode: 
information scientifique et technique


Definitions and challenges of the research data management plan
General structure of a research data management plan and focus on the fields to be filled in
Opidor DMP: templates and examples
Step-by-step drafting of a DMP

- Data
- Metadata
- Storage
- Law and ethics
- Sharing and preservation
- Resources

Contenus pédagogiques
The data management plan (DMP) is a document describing the way in which scientific data will be produced, processed, described, shared, protected and preserved during and at the end of a research project. It is a deliverable required by research funders such as the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the European Commission. It also encourages the reuse of scientific data as part of an open data approach. The management plan is designed as a risk management tool for data management during the course of a research project. This training course offers a concrete approach to the data management plan, through an understanding of the different parts of a DMP and a handling of the main tools, including the national reference tool DMP-OPIDOR. Objectives: at the end of the session, participants will be able to : - Understand the principles and challenges of a research data management plan. - Know the components of a research data management plan. - Read and evaluate the content of a research data management plan. - Write a research data management plan. This session is organized by the Urfist de Bordeaux and the Université de Pau et Pays de l'Adour, with priority given to UPPA doctoral students and researchers. Training format : - On-site training
Public visé: 
tout public
Résultats attendus de la formation: 
The data management plan (DMP) is a document describing the way in which scientific data will be produced, processed, described, shared, protected and preserved during and at the end of a research project. It is a deliverable required by research funders such as the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the European Commission. It also encourages the reuse of scientific data as part of an open data approach. The management plan is designed as a risk management tool for data management during the course of a research project. This training course offers a concrete approach to the data management plan, through an understanding of the different parts of a DMP and a handling of the main tools, including the national reference tool DMP-OPIDOR. Objectives: at the end of the session, participants will be able to : - Understand the principles and challenges of a research data management plan. - Know the components of a research data management plan. - Read and evaluate the content of a research data management plan. - Write a research data management plan. This session is organized by the Urfist de Bordeaux and the Université de Pau et Pays de l'Adour, with priority given to UPPA doctoral students and researchers. Training format : - On-site training
Modalités d'alternance: 
pas d'alternance
Conditions spécifiques: 
To follow this module, it is preferable to have attended or viewed the general introduction to research data : "INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH DATA" :
Déroulement du stage
Modalités d'enseignement: 
Formation entièrement présentielle
Durée (heures): 
6.5 heures
Période de formation: 
Lu, 14/10/2024
Période d`inscription: 
Lu, 14/10/2024 - Di, 13/10/2024
Prise en charge des frais de formation possible: 
Contact de l'action de formation: 

URFIST de Bordeaux (URFIST de Bordeaux, 16 avenue Léon Duguit 33608 PESSAC)

URFIST de Bordeaux
URFIST de Bordeaux, 16 avenue Léon Duguit
Code postal: 
Téléphone fixe: 
05 56 84 29 19
05 56 84 86 96
Organisme formateur: 
URFIST de Bordeaux
Organisme de formation: 
URFIST de Bordeaux
Domaine - NSF: 
Domaine - Rome: 
Niveau à l'entrée en formation: 
Information non communiquée
Niveau à l'entrée en formation obligatoire: 
Formation certifiante: 
Rythme de la formation: 
Temps plein
Modalités d'entrée sortie: 
Entrées / sorties à dates fixes
Langue utilisée lors de la formation: 